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izv. prof. dr. sc. Mirko Sužnjević
Title:Associate professor
Location: C07-06
Public phone number:6129-794
Internal phone number:294
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: http://www.fer.unizg.hr/tel/en/research/research_groups/netmedia/people/mirko_suznjevic
Department: Department of Telecommunications
Graduation year:2006
PhD graduation year:2012


University undergraduate

University graduate


Mirko Sužnjević is an assistant professor at the Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (FER). He graduated in September 2006 from the same faculty with a degree in Telecommunications and Informatics in the study mode with an emphasis on scientific research. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled "Modeling of Network Traffic for Multiplayer Role Playing Games Based on User Behavior" at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb in May 2012. year. During and after his doctoral studies, he attended four doctoral schools organized by European cooperation projects (COST actions) and the European Network of Excellence. He is a member of the Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXLab, https://muexlab.fer.hr/).

He joined FER as an associate at the Department of Telecommunications in 2006, and was promoted to assistant researcher in 2008. His research since 2006 has been funded by a number of research projects carried out in cooperation with FER and the research and development department of Ericsson Nikola Tesla: "Session-level Signaling for Advanced Multimedia", "Future Advanced Multimedia Service Enablers", " Session-level Signaling for Advanced Multimedia "," e-Health Research "and" Policy Based Resource Control for Complex IP Networks ". He was employed as a researcher on the project "ACROSS - Center of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems" (285939), within the seventh framework program of the European Union (FP7) (2011-2014), on the project "Information and communication technologies for generic and energy efficient communication solutions for application in e- / m-health (ICTGEN)" (2014-2016) and on the project “Cooperative QoE Management in Mobile Networks for Interactive Multimedia Cloud-based Services” (Q-MANIC) funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (2016 -2018). He was and is employed in the project "Advanced methods and technologies in the science of data and cooperative systems" (Datacross) funded by the European Regional Development Fund (2018 -2019), in which he still participates as a researcher. He was employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Telecommunications in February 2019.

He participated in the scientific project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia "Delivery of content and mobility of users and services in new generation networks" (036-0362027-1639), as well as a number of professional projects with Ericsson Nikola Tesla: "Survey and analysis of monitoring solutions for YouTube network traffic and application layer KPIs “(2015-2016),“ QoE monitoring solutions for mobile OTT video streaming ”(QoMoVid) (2016 - 2019) and“ Data driven 3D animation generation in Unity ”(DaDAGer) (2018). He participated in a bilateral project of cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia entitled "Services and Applications in the Future Internet: Ensuring Quality and Energy Efficiency" (2012-2013). He was involved in the work of COST action IC0703 TMA and COST action IC1003 Qualinet. He participated in the research and development (IRI) project "Energy Infrastructure Management through Collaboration in Augmented Reality - ARIEN" (2018-2020) with DivIT d.o.o.

He is the leader of the team of teachers from FER on the project "Edu4Games - Development of occupational standards and qualifications and new study programs in the field of design and development of video games" is conducted in cooperation with several components of the University of Zagreb - , Faculty of Organization and Informatics and FER. He is a project leader on commercial projects with Croatian companies Nanobit d.o.o. - "Research and development of a multimedia application with a system of personalization of content according to user behavior" (2020 - 2021), Hrvatski Telekom d.d. - "5Gaming" and from a project with a sweedish company Byte Motion on the topic of robot control from game development systems. He is a participant in the IRI project "Development of ultra low latency video signal transmission devices" with the company ORQA d.o.o, and leader of the IRI project "Ensuring the quality of telecommunications services using cyber security mechanisms" with the copany Inceptum d.o.o.

He has published thirteen papers in journals (ten of which in category A journals) and thirty-two papers at international conferences and workshops. He is also the author of two papers published in professional journals and two chapters in a book. He was the chairman of the international workshop "The 14th International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games" held in Zagreb in 2015. He is a member of the Croatian section of the IEEE and the IEEE Communication Society. He is a co-author of two drafts within the Internet Engineering Task Force. For participating in the 87th IETF meeting in Berlin (Germany) in 2013, he received the prestigious Internet Society Fellowship.

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